· May 7, 2018

Create table for the results of a SQL statement

Is there a way to create a table for the results of a SQL statement ?

Example: Consider the below query and results.

Select ID,Name,DOB,Gender from EMS.EMS


1 Wijnschenk,Greta N. 03/09/2009 F
2 Klausner,Barbara L. 03/08/2014 M
3 Eastman,Liza X. 03/11/2000 F
4 O'Brien,Barb K. 03/07/2016 M
5 Anderson,Nataliya Y. 03/14/1991 F
6 Long,Debby Z. 03/12/1999 F
7 Rogers,Susan W. 03/12/1997 F
8 Ott,Lola J. 03/09/2009 F
9 Yu,Alice S. 03/14/1990 M
10 Wilson,Debby I. 03/12/1998 M

So, for the above results I want a table named EMS.BASIC which have properties NAME,DOB and Gender with the resulted values.

Thanks in advance.

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