· Feb 2, 2023 1m read

Console Log Viewer with Download link and filters

Messages.log file contains lots of useful information about IRIS. Sometimes the file gets big, and it is not easy to get to the data I am interested to review. It would be nice to jump to a specific date and time we suspect a problem may have started.


Whenever I need support from InterSystems, WRC will ask to send them messages.log file. Dependent on where IRIS is deployed, it may be cumbersome to obtain messages.log file for sending it to InterSystems.


My team works on deploying IRIS containers in Kubernetes in the cloud. We have jump servers we log in to so we can connect to the bastion hosts deployed in the cloud. Once we are connected to the bastion server, we log into Red Hat OpenShift container platform. Now we can copy messages.log file from any container. Then I disconnect from the bastion host. On the jump server I use scp to copy messages.log file from the bastion host. The next step is to use ftp to copy messages.log from the jump server to my laptop. Now I can attach messages.log to email and send it to InterSystems.


I think it is much easier if I can download messages.log from Management Portal. Other improvements to the Console Log Viewer page are to filter based on start and end date / time as well as severity level.


This is the story describing why I created iris-log-viewer application for the InterSystems Developer Tools contest.

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