· Jul 25, 2022

Can we integrate zen framework with Angular? If yes can anyone please help me in find out any resources for reference.

I am new to zen framework. I wanted to use Angular with in Zen framework. 
If we can integrate both frameworks. Please help me in finding some resources to refer.

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The simplest answer is no.   ZEN, which has been a deprecated technology for some time, is a complete framework deeply integrated to Cache.  It relies heavily on synchronous communications which has been deprecated by, thought still available, by most browsers.  For both reasons new development should not be done using ZEN.

Angular, on the other hand, is a modern framework for Web Application development.  It is inherently asynchronous and therefore disconnected from the back-end.  As Eduard stated the typical communication methodology is for the back-end to provide a RESTful interface which are quite easy to develop and publish both direct from IRIS or via the InterSystems API Manager.

I am going to make the assumption that this is part of an existing application that you are looking do new development on.  As stated ZEN is deprecated therefore it would be a good idea to develop a roadmap to migrate from ZEN to something like Angular.  I would take this new project and use it to explore the move to Angular.

You should also note that at some unknown point in time browsers could remove support for synchronous communications.  The latter will likely not happen for quite some time as many older applications still rely on it.  Several years back one browser, Firefox I think, tried to remove this support and had to quickly backtrack as too many applications stopped working.  So you have time.