· Apr 3, 2020

Calling Security.Users class in a script


Has anyone tried to call Security.Users class (in %SYS namespace) for creating or editing users from a shell script (or any programming language)?

If yes, can you please share your code?


We are trying to automate some stuff and would like to know how this worked for others.



Bharath Nunepalli.

Discussion (7)3
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Hi Bharath,

I don't really have any sample code for you but I'm not sure I (or other readers) have a good idea of what exactly you are trying to do. Have you already reviewed the class reference? I think the Create(), Get(), and Modify() documentation together describe quite well how you could use Security.Users.

I have developed some shell scripts for Caché database maintenance, and they run on AIX.

These scripts just run simple commands like "Status^JOURNAL".

I haven't coded scripts for calling classes or methods. So, just want know whether that's possible in shell scripting or not.

If not, which scripting/programming language should I use for calling classes or methods?

You can call methods from command line even like you call routines. Imagine you have a class Test in package TestClasses and a method printData which prints the data to your output device. Then you can call csession instance -"U" namespace "##class(Test).printData("""data""")".

Of course the methods must be ClassMethods. You must test the number of " - signs.  In PowerShell for instance I needed around 14(! sic) "-signs to send a valid command to Caché.

Here the example:

csession ${INSTANCE} -"U" ${NAMESPACE}  "##class(TestClasses.Test).printData(""""""""""""""hello"""""""""""""")"
