· Jun 24, 2019

Calling JOB from one REST service

I have one REST service extending %CSP.REST


I am trying to call one method using JOB, its not getting called does anyone have any idea if i am doing anything wrong here.

works : do ##class(TestFramework.API.E2E.Service).RunCases()

does not work : JOB ##class(TestFramework.API.E2E.Service).RunCases()

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You can run the Job command with a timeout parameter, and check if the job has really started with the $TEST variable :

USER> JOB ##class(TestFramework.API.E2E.Service).RunCases()::0


Should be 1 if the classmethod was started, 0 if the job timed out and did not start

In the second case it can be a license problem, check