· Oct 11, 2016

Cache deleting users

Very new to this side of cache.... 

So, currently in the habit of keeping all users forever, up to over 5000... ? is what if we decided to start deleting old users who have been gone from the company, how would it affect any account level information? notes, payments etc....  Is there any documentation anywhere that would answer this or describe this process or maybe best practices??

Sorry if this seems stupid but i am working on a proof theory for work.

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No using the user set up thru facs interface, and all users are out there with various statuses. issue is three fold, we are running out of id's to use, we are creating duplicate ids (CK2, cK2) which is causing issues in the warehouse as sql doesn't see case, and space, not sure why we need to keep every employee ever worked here. however need to know if i deleted for example cK2 as he has been termed since 2007, how would it affect any accounts he worked on, would it still show his id as the one that did the work if someone looked at an account he worked on or ???, would it still show his notes etc.... just want to make sure if we delete the user it doesn't kill the ability to review or work on the account going forward and it retains the user historical information

Your clarification does not help actually. But any way, deleting any object, leave just ID on a link, and again, everything here depends on your application. In most cases it could cause for some different issues, when application have not expected deleted object. And I would recommend to use some flag like "isDeleted", which can help to hide such objects in most of places, and still have an access to the content of this object, to show if it would be needed. Completely delete object recommended only in case when no any other objects has links to this one. 


This is a forum for InterSystems. This is not a forum for Ontario Systems. If you would like assistance with an application, you should refer to the developer of that application. While the application may run on a Caché database, the specifics of an application would not be supported by the developers of the database the application's developers choose to use.

In other words, your FACS question should not be asked here.