· Apr 11, 2017

Caché class compilation error

Hi All,I got an error when i compile one class. the error was objects of class are (classname) instantiated in 1 can i recover the problem. my cache instance is Cache 5.0

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Dear, Sansa! 

Thank you for your great activity!

Would you please consider posting meaningful names for the questions? I mean this one and another your question.

That would be helpful not only for you but for all other Developer Community members too.

For this one, I think "Caché class compilation error" would be much better than "Caché Error"

For another,  "Error while opening the Caché class instance" instead of "Erroe".

I would appreciate that!

And would you please mark the John's answer as accepted?

Thank you in advance!

Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Community Manager.