· Dec 25, 2020

Atelier not available in web anymore?


I'm moving my development to a new PC based on UBUNTU Linux now to be compatible with IRIS.

I found out, that the Atelier plugin for Eclipse is not available anymore on Eclipse Marketplace and https://atelier/

And I was was wondering, that noone has commented this here until now and Intersystems is still mentioning the old sources in the document

Fortunately I could copy my old Eclipse installation together with Atelier to the new machine. But this is not a solution for other partners coming newly to IRIS development.

What is the official Intersystems solution for this problem?

Product version: IRIS 2020.4
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Hello @Werner Noske. Now that VS Code has replaced Atelier as our cross-platform IDE (Studio is still supported), we have removed the plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace. The page you reference will soon make this clear as well. As @Dmitry Maslennikov says, we encourage developers to follow the guidance in this announcement and move to the VS Code platform if at all possible. Thanks!