Add parameter "name" inside "Content-Type" header when we send a MTOM attachment using a SOAP request
first of all thanks for your time reading this question, and thanks for your time:
We are expected to send a file as an attachment in a SOAP request using MTOM protocol.
It is expected to include a "name" parameter inside the "Content-Type" header, as we show below:
Currently, we have developed a SOAP Operation which sends the files using MTOM protocol, however it is not including the parameter "name" inside "Content-Type" header, as you would observe:
How could we adapt it to send the parameter "name"?
Could you provide us some example or documentation?
We have read:
What steps would you follow to develop this feature?
What is the documentation or examples we could read to achieve this?
➡️ Thanks for your time, and thanks for answering this question
EDIT: Currently our Web Client is as follows:
Class WSCLIENTE.HistoriaClinica.FicheroVacuServiceSOAP Extends %SOAP.WebClient [ ProcedureBlock ]
/// This is the namespace used by the Service
Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://[namespace]";
/// 20/09/21 Cambiamos a 0, con el objetivo de quitar el xsi:type
/// Determines handling of Security header.
/// This is the name of the Service
Parameter SERVICENAME = "FicheroVacuService";
Parameter SOAPVERSION = 1.1;
/// This is the SOAP version supported by the service.
Parameter MTOMREQUIRED = 1;
Method cargarFichero(fichero As %GlobalBinaryStream, ccaaId As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.CCAAIdType(REQUIRED=1), tipoFichero As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.TipoFicheroType(REQUIRED=1)) As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.InfoFicheroType(XMLNAME="responseFichero") [ Final, ProcedureBlock = 1, SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ]
//Header - Addresing
set addressing = ..crearAddressing()
set addressing.Action = "cargarFichero"
set ..AddressingOut = addressing
set ..AddressingOut.mustUnderstand = "1"
set ..MTOMRequired=1
Quit ..WebMethod("cargarFichero","CargarFicheroVacuRequest").Invoke($this,"[endpoint]/cargarFichero",.fichero,.ccaaId,.tipoFichero)
Method crearAddressing() As %SOAP.Addressing.Properties
set IPRedSanitaria = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("PARAMETROS","IPRedSanitaria")
set puertoRespuestas = ##class(Util.TablasMaestras).getValorMaestra("PARAMETROS","PuertoRespuestasSSL")
set ReplyTo = ##class(%SOAP.Addressing.EndpointReference).%New()
set ReplyTo.Address = ""
//set ReplyTo.Address = "https://"_IPRedSanitaria_":"_puertoRespuestas_"/csp/SNS/Servicios.ProgramasAsistenciales.SIFCOv02r00.cls"
set MessageId = ##class(Util.FuncionesComunes).getUID()
set addressing = ##class(%SOAP.Addressing.Properties).%New()
set addressing.MessageId = MessageId
set addressing.Destination = ..Location
set addressing.ReplyEndpoint = ReplyTo
Quit addressing
Maybe try...
set ..ContentType="application/octet-stream; name="_name
Thanks Sean Connelly for your time and help answering to us
We have written:
Method cargarFichero(fichero As %GlobalBinaryStream, ccaaId As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.CCAAIdType(REQUIRED=1), tipoFichero As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.TipoFicheroType(REQUIRED=1)) As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.InfoFicheroType(XMLNAME="responseFichero") [ Final, ProcedureBlock = 1, SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ] { //Header - Addresing set addressing = ..crearAddressing() set addressing.Action = "cargarFichero" set ..AddressingOut = addressing set ..AddressingOut.mustUnderstand = "1" //Firma el XML (mensaje SOAP) //do ..crearSignature() set ..MTOMRequired=1 //24 09 21 para añadir parametro name en cabecera content type set ..ContentType="application/octet-stream; name=nombre" Quit ..WebMethod("cargarFichero","CargarFicheroVacuRequest").Invoke($this,"",.fichero,.ccaaId,.tipoFichero) }
However when we output the LOGSOAP we observe:
Output from Web client with SOAP action =http:// [endpoint]/cargarFichero ----boundary2247.8235294117647062276.235294117647059-- Content-Type: application/xop+xml; type="text/xml"; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Id: <0.E238359C.1D35.11EC.923C.005056B672A4> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:s='' xmlns:wsa=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <wsa:Action>cargarFichero</wsa:Action> <wsa:MessageID>e236513c1d3511ec923c005056b672a4</wsa:MessageID> <wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:Address></wsa:Address> </wsa:ReplyTo> <wsa:To>https://[endpoint]?wsdl</wsa:To> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <CargarFicheroVacuRequest xmlns="http://[endpoint]"> <fichero> <xop:Include href="cid:1.E238359C.1D35.11EC.923C.005056B672A4" xmlns:xop=""/> </fichero> <ccaaId>01</ccaaId> <tipoFichero>2</tipoFichero> </CargarFicheroVacuRequest> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ----boundary2247.8235294117647062276.235294117647059-- Content-Id: <1.E238359C.1D35.11EC.923C.005056B672A4> Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary CONTENT-TYPE: application/octet-stream ;;;47B7F6BF1C6D [... csv file content ...]
As you would observe in the LOGSOAP, the request is sending the headers as: "
CONTENT-TYPE: application/octet-stream
"We would need to send:
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=1.E238359C.1D35.11EC.923C.005056B672A4
Content-Disposition: attachment; name="1.E238359C.1D35.11EC.923C.005056B672A4"; filename="1.E238359C.1D35.11EC.923C.005056B672A4"
Because it is being expected by the receiver system, to include the parameter "name" inside the header "Content-Type", as is shown in the next image:
How could we achieve this feature?
Would you recommend us some guide or documentation, to read about this topic?
Are there any examples that could help us?
Thanks in advance
One of the properties of the %SOAP.WebClient class is HttpRequest which is an instance of %Net.HttpRequest. You might need to set the content type of that HttpRequest. So where you have "..ContentType", try "..HttpRequest.ContentType"?
Thanks David Hockenbroch for your help
We have written:
set ..HttpRequest.ContentType="application/octet-stream; name=nombre" do ..HttpRequest.SetHeader("name","nombre")
Being the full method as follows:
Method cargarFichero(fichero As %GlobalBinaryStream, ccaaId As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.CCAAIdType(REQUIRED=1), tipoFichero As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.TipoFicheroType(REQUIRED=1)) As EsquemasDatos.HistoriaClinica.tns.InfoFicheroType(XMLNAME="responseFichero") [ Final, ProcedureBlock = 1, SoapBindingStyle = document, SoapBodyUse = literal, WebMethod ] { //Header - Addresing set addressing = ..crearAddressing() set addressing.Action = "cargarFichero" set ..AddressingOut = addressing set ..AddressingOut.mustUnderstand = "1" //Firma el XML (mensaje SOAP) //do ..crearSignature() set ..MTOMRequired=1 //24 09 21 para añadir parametro name en cabecera content type set ..ContentType="application/octet-stream; name=nombre" /* 27 09 21 con el objetivo de poner parametro name en cabecera content type */ set ..HttpRequest.ContentType="application/octet-stream; name=nombre" do ..HttpRequest.SetHeader("name","nombre") Quit ..WebMethod("cargarFichero","CargarFicheroVacuRequest").Invoke($this,"",.fichero,.ccaaId,.tipoFichero) }
When we execute it, Ensemble throws an exception in the message viewer:
➡️ ERROR #5001: <INVALID OREF>zcargarFichero+16^WSCLIENTE.HistoriaClinica.FicheroVacuServiceSOAP.1
We think it means that the variable "HttpRequest" is an invalid oref
How could we continue?
What steps would you recommend us to add the parameter "name" inside "Content-Type" header when we send a MTOM attachment using a SOAP request?
Thanks for your time, answers and help 💭