· 21 hr ago

VS Code, compilation, line endings and git

The compile step in VS Code when using the InterSystems VS Code extensions appears to modify line endings in our class files when newly pulled from remote repo.

What steps can we take to stop this happening? / What settings can we modify?

We are doing local development with client side source control using git (BitBucket Cloud repository). We were previously using GitLab (locally hosted) and didn't have this issue. Developers are all on Windows machines, as are all the Ensemble instances. We believe we have autocrlf = true in all our local git configurations.

Steps to reproduce:

  • developer A makes a change, and commits the code to their local repo and then pushes it to BitBucket
  • developer B pulls the change - local copy shows with CRLF endings, as expected git status shows no local changes vs repo
  • developer B imports the changed class into Ensemble (right click, "Import" in VS Code) - local copy shows with CRLF endings, no changes vs repo
  • developer B compiles the changed class into Ensemble (right click, "Compile" in VS Code) - local copy shows as changed (source control tab in VS Code or git at command line), with LF endings
  • developer B can get the class to show as not changed by either reverting changes or by "git -add --renormalize CLASS"
Product version: Ensemble 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1 (Build 184U) Wed Sep 19 2018 09:09:22 EDT
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