· 11 hr ago

[Message Viewer] Find EnsLib.DICOM.Document by using its DataSet properties

Good morning,

We need your help:

We wonder if there is a way to filter EnsLib.DICOM.Document, by using its DataSet properties on the Message Viewer.


For example, we would like to find the following DICOM.Document which DataSet.AccessionNumber is SR115985013100


By using the Message Viewer Filter we have tried the following:

FixedDataSet.AccessionNumber = SR115985013100


Because when we look fod a Body Property of the EnsLib.DICOM.Document it shows this drop down menu:


However, it replies with an error:

ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: Message -29: Field 'ENSLIB_DICOM.DOCUMENT.FIXEDDATASET->ACCESSIONNUMBER' was not found in the corresponding tables ^ SELECT TOP ? head . ID AS ID , { fn RIGHT ( %EXTERNAL ( head . TimeCreated ) , ? ) } AS TimeCreated , head . SessionId AS Session , head . Status AS Status , CASE head . IsError WHEN ? THEN ? ELSE ? END AS Error , head . SourceConfigName AS Source , head . TargetConfigName AS Target , head . SourceConfigName , head . TargetConfigName , head . MessageBodyClassName AS BodyClassname , head . MessageBodyId AS BodyId , EnsLib_DICOM . Document . %ID AS Body_ID , EnsLib_DICOM . Document . FixedDataSet -> AccessionNumber AS

ORIGIN ELEMENT: %ZEN.Component.tablePane (resultsTable)


💭🤔🔎 How could we look for a DataSet property of an EnsLib.DICOM.Document using the Message Viewer Filter?


Thanks for your help! 😊


We also have read:


In addition, we have also tried, to use

  DataSet.AccessionNumber = SR115985013100

But it shows the same error.

Again, thank you for your help. 😊😊😊

Product version: IRIS 2020.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2020.1.1 (Build 408U) Sun Mar 21 2021 22:21:14 EDT
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