· Dec 18, 2024 1m read

Producing PDF class documentation using Doxygenerate

A benefit of using Doxygenerate is that Doxygen does more than just HTML output. Tweak the Doxyfile that tells Doxygen what to do and you can easily create a PDF. Our example MARINA application yielded a 524-page PDF. Here's what page 94 looks like:

You can browse the whole file here.

In the screenshot above, notice how we only get details of the superclass that is part of the app (AuditHistory). The primary superclass, %Library.SerialObject, is shown faded and with no details of what BankDetails inherits from it.

With another tweak to the Doxyfile we can show full inheritance detail in a 586-page PDF. Here's the same BankDetails page:

Of course these diagrams also appear in the HTML version.

Like what you see? There's still time to vote for Doxygenerate in the contest.

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