· Sep 23 4m read

iris-DataViz: Tableau-style drag-and-drop Data Analysis and Visualization Application


Hi Community,

In this article, I will introduce my application iris-DataViz

iris-DataViz is an Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Streamlit Application that leverages the functionality of IRIS embedded python and SQLAlchemy to interact with IRIS, as well as the PyGWalker python library for data analysis and data Visualization. PyGWalker (Python Graphic Walker) is an interactive data visualization library built for Python, aiming to bring the ease and functionality of Tableau-style drag-and-drop visualization into Python environments.

Application Features 

  • Drag-and-Drop Visualization
  • Manipulate and clean your data within the visualization
  • Wide Range of Chart Types:
  • Interactive Data Exploration
  • Interactive Aggregation and Grouping:
  • Exportable Visualizations
  • Automatic Data Summarization
  • Calculated / Computed Fields
  • Support for Categorical, Numerical, and Temporal Data
  • Interactive Legends and Filters
  • Interactive Report Generation
  • Geospatial Data Support

Application Overview

Application already imported car-related data.
In order to view the data navigate to the Management Portal SQL and view the data by using below SQL command:

Make, Model, Year, EngineFuelType, EngineHP,
EngineCylinders, TransmissionType, Driven_Wheels, 
NumberofDoors, MarketCategory, VehicleSize, 
VehicleStyle, highwayMPG, citympg, Popularity, MSRP
FROM DataViz.CarsInfo


To run the application Navigate to http://localhost:8051.
Select Namespace,Schema and table. Click on Data tab to analyze the data.

Select the Visualization tab, Drag the desired columns in X-Axis and Y-Axis, and select the desired graph type.

Application Code Snippet

Below objectscript code invoked from embedded Python to get IRIS namespaces:

Class dc.DataViz.Util Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod getNameSpaces() As %String
 //init sql statement   
 set statement=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
 //Prepare Class Query
 set status=statement.%PrepareClassQuery("%SYS.Namespace","List")
 //Check the Error
 if $$$ISERR(status) 
    do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) 
 //Execute the statement
 set resultset=statement.%Execute()
 set results = "1"
 while resultset.%Next() {
	//zw resultset    
    if results = "1" {
	    set results = resultset.%Get("Nsp")
    	set results = results _ "," _ resultset.%Get("Nsp")
 return results

Embedded Python Code invoking objectscript code:

  import iris
  ns = iris.cls('dc.DataViz.Util').getNameSpaces()
  namespaces = ns.split(",")

The code below will get schema and tables list:

 def get_schema(self):
        #Establish IRIS Connection    
        with self.engine.connect() as conn:
            with conn.begin():     
                sql = text(""" 
                    SELECT distinct TABLE_SCHEMA
                    FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES                   
                    WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'       
                    order by TABLE_SCHEMA
                results = []
                    #Fetch records into results variable
                    results = conn.execute(sql).fetchall()
                    for element in results:                                 
                       if schemas == "0":
                           schemas = element[0]
                           schemas = schemas+","+element[0]
                except Exception as e:
        return schemas

    def get_tables(self,schema):
        #Establish IRIS Connection       
        with self.engine.connect() as conn:
            with conn.begin():     
                sql = text(""" 
                    SELECT TABLE_NAME
                    FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES                   
                    WHERE TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'
                    AND TABLE_SCHEMA = :schema
                     order by TABLE_NAME
                results = []
                    #Fetch records into results variable
                    results = conn.execute(sql).fetchall()                  
                    for element in results:                                 
                       if tables == "0":
                           tables = element[0]
                           tables = tables+","+element[0]
                except Exception as e:
        return tables

For more details, please visit iris-DataViz open exchange application page.


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