· Sep 16, 2024

What is the best way to do a silent install of an IRIS application?

We have an ObjectScript application that runs in Cache' and IRIS. Our typical installation involves a .zip file containing several files necessary for the installation and operation of the application. Steps are: expand the .zip file to a folder that will not be used by the application. Do ^%RI for the installation routines in the production namespace. Do the Installation routine. We have a customer that is trying to do a silent installation. He does not want to have to respond to any prompts on the installation. We do have a silent option for the Installation routine and that is working well. But he also does not want to have to respond to prompts for the Do ^%RI step. Currently we are doing set sc=$System.OBJ.Export(routineString,destinationPath.xml). And then we can do a set sc=$System.OBJ.Load(destinationPath.xml,"cuk",.errlog) in the installation script.

Is there a better way to do this?

Product version: IRIS 2024.1
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Completely silent install an application can only happen during IRIS upgrade/install or by being creative with scheduled tasks.

First step would be to automate installation of you application using a %Installer script refer to Documentation

Fully automating it could involve a scheduled task checking a folder on the filesystem for the installer manifest and importing it.