· Jul 24, 2024

Mapping Between Management Portal Components and Object Script

Is there documentation that shows the mapping between the management portal components and object script package.class.methods? 
I am searching on-line documentation but have not been successful.
For example, in the management portal  SystemOperation > TaskManager > TaskSchedule  can map to the method:  class(Monitors.Tasks).ListSuspendedTasks().

What would be a similar mapping for SystemOperation > TaskManager > TaskHistory?
I initially thought it would be something similar to class(Monitors.Tasks).ListTaskHistory().

Best Regards,

Product version: HealthShare 2024.1
$ZV: 2024.
Discussion (1)1
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There isn't a consistent mapping for everything, but if you're in the %SYS namespace, you can query the tables %SYS.Task and %SYS_Task.History to find these specific things. Some of the security related things are in the Security scheme, like Security.Roles and Security.Users.

When you're in the SQL part of the system management portal, if you check the box to show system tables on the left, you can see a lot of these then under tables, and you'll be able to guess what a lot of them are just based on the names.