· Mar 19, 2024

Where else can I find resources for preparing for the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certificate

I've been preparing to take the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certificate and on the page that explains the cert it lists one in-person class and one online course. I've been through the suggested online course but when I read through the practice questions there are a lot of things that aren't covered or mentioned in that course. Naturally I could go digging through the documentation but there is no specific guidance about what things to study.

I was just wondering if there is a better organized collection of study materials for cert prep. Is there an outline of topics to be comfortable with? Is there a more specific cert prep course online? Any other ideas or suggestions?

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The prerequisites for the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certification include the training course and "At least 6 months - 1 year designing, building, and performing basic troubleshooting of HL7 interfaces with InterSystems products version 2019.1 or higher."

Actual/real experience will definitely help in passing the certification, theoretical study and some exercise may not be enough to gain the knowledge required.

In the exam description page you can find a list of "Exam Topics and Content". All questions in the exam belong to those topics.

Last but not least, everything is contained in the documentation.

Hey Andre! 

I have taken the exam and only took the online course indicated before I did and passed! 

However, I think I would have felt better prepared if I had taken the Getting Started with Health Connect for Implementers  Program! I am working through this program now and it does go more in depth into some of those outline elements. You will notice a lot of overlap with the Building Basic HL7 V2 Integrations with InterSystems learning path suggested. 

I can tell you that the outline provided indicates abilities and those are exactly the things you want to focus on!