· Mar 8, 2023 5m read

Keep your docker iris images in shape ;)


A python script to keep your docker iris images in shape ;)

Witout changing your dockerfile or your code you can reduce the size of your image by 50% or more !


Name the builder image builder and the final image final and add this to end of your Dockerfile:

Modify your Dockerfile to use a multi-stage build:

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest
FROM $IMAGE as builder

Add this to end of your Dockerfile:

FROM $IMAGE as final


RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \
    cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \
    python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

Boom! You're done!


usage: [-h] -c CPF -d DATA_DIR [--csp] [-p] [-o OTHER [OTHER ...]]

Copy data from a directory to the IRIS data directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CPF, --cpf CPF     path to the iris.cpf file
  -d DATA_DIR, --data_dir DATA_DIR
                        path to the directory where the data files are located
  --csp                 toggle the copy of the whole CSP folder
  -p, --python          toggle the copy of python libs
  -o OTHER [OTHER ...], --other OTHER [OTHER ...]
                        toggle the copy of other folders

How to use it

First have a look at a non-multi-stage Dockerfile for iris:

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest

WORKDIR /irisdev/app

# copy source code
COPY src src
COPY misc misc
COPY data/fhir fhirdata
COPY iris.script /tmp/iris.script
COPY fhirUI /usr/irissys/csp/user/fhirUI

# run iris and initial 
RUN iris start IRIS \
    && iris session IRIS < /tmp/iris.script \
    && iris stop IRIS quietly

This is a simple Dockerfile that will build an image with the iris source code and the fhir data. It will also run the iris.script to create the fhir database and load the data.

With this kind of dockerfile you will end up with a big image. This is not a problem if you are using a CI/CD pipeline to build your images. But if you are using this image in production you will end up with a big image that will take a lot of space on your server.

Then have a look at a multi-stage Dockerfile for iris

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest
FROM $IMAGE as builder

WORKDIR /irisdev/app

# copy source code
COPY src src
COPY misc misc
COPY data/fhir fhirdata
COPY iris.script /tmp/iris.script
COPY fhirUI /usr/irissys/csp/user/fhirUI

# run iris and initial 
RUN iris start IRIS \
    && iris session IRIS < /tmp/iris.script \
    && iris stop IRIS quietly

# copy data from builder
FROM $IMAGE as final


RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \
    cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \
    python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

This is a multi-stage Dockerfile that will build an image with the iris source code and the fhir data. It will also run the iris.script to create the fhir database and load the data. But it will also copy the data from the builder image to the final image. This will reduce the size of the final image.

Let read in details the multi-stage Dockerfile:

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest
FROM $IMAGE as builder

Define the base image and the name of the builder image

WORKDIR /irisdev/app

# copy source code
COPY src src
COPY misc misc
COPY data/fhir fhirdata
COPY iris.script /tmp/iris.script
COPY fhirUI /usr/irissys/csp/user/fhirUI

# run iris and initial 
RUN iris start IRIS \
    && iris session IRIS < /tmp/iris.script \
    && iris stop IRIS quietly

Basically the same as the non-multi-stage Dockerfile

FROM $IMAGE as final

Start with the base image


Add the script to the image with the right user and group

RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \
    cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \
    python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

A lot is happening here.

First we are using the --mount option to mount the builder image.
- --mount=type=bind is the type of mount
- source=/ is the root of the builder image
- target=/builder/root is the root of the builder image mounted in the final
- from=builder is the name of the builder image

Then we are copying the iris.cpf file from the builder image to the final image.

cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf

Finally we are running the script to copy the data from the builder image to the final image.

python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

Side by side comparison

Non multi-stage Dockerfile

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest

WORKDIR /irisdev/app

COPY . .

RUN iris start IRIS \
    && iris session IRIS < /tmp/iris.script \
    && iris stop IRIS quietly

Multi-stage Dockerfile

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest FROM $IMAGE as builder WORKDIR /irisdev/app RUN chown ${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}:${ISC_PACKAGE_IRISGROUP} /irisdev/app USER ${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER} COPY . . RUN iris start IRIS \ && iris session IRIS < /tmp/iris.script \ && iris stop IRIS quietly FROM $IMAGE as final ADD --chown=${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}:${ISC_PACKAGE_IRISGROUP} /irisdev/app/ RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \ cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \ python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/
Discussion (11)4
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Thanks, this is very useful. I've just tested this on an image with various build steps, and this saves us quite a bit of image space. The copy step now adds a little under 300MB to the base image, instead of almost 5GB (!). Squashing an image has the same effect, but prevents layer caching, so each push to a docker repository would upload the entire image. Your way, after the first time, presumably just the 300MB. Nice!

Interestingly, we've had already contacted our sales engineers about the massive amount of image disk space used after our build steps. I couldn't find what it's used for; the actual Linux filesystem is way smaller. The build steps also don't visibly use significant disk space, that I could find. I'm hoping InterSystems manages to do something about this in the future. In the meantime, we've got a nice workaround. Thanks again!

I've just released the new IRIS DEV template that uses your approach, @Guillaume Rongier 

It gives for vanilla IRIS Data platform Community Edition 700MB economy: 2.1G instead of 2.7G,

And for vanilla IRIS For Health Community Edition it gives 3.2G(!) economy: 2.8G instead of 6G... 

Want to save some space building your dev images with IRIS - use the approach listed here, or directly use our dev template.

Hi Guillaume,

I have also tested this trick and it is reducing the size of the image upto a good extent.

With non multi-stage docker file the size of the image is around 7.57GB

And with multi-stage docker file the size is 3.77GB. Nice !

But when I inspect the image the architecture of the image is changing from amd to arm.

Here is my docker file : 


FROM --platform=linux/amd64 $IMAGE as builder

# as builder

USER root

RUN mkdir -p /ocie/install

RUN chmod -R 777 /ocie

RUN chown -R irisowner:irisowner /ocie

USER irisowner

COPY --chown=irisowner:irisowner /ocie/tmp/

COPY --chown=irisowner:irisowner AppServer.cls /ocie/install/AppServer.cls

RUN chmod +x /ocie/tmp/

RUN mkdir -p /ocie/scripts

RUN chmod -R 777 /usr/irissys/mgr

# run iris and initial

RUN iris start IRIS \

&& /ocie/tmp/ "iris" "localhost" "52773" "/usr/irissys" "/usr/irissys" "DEV"\

&& iris stop IRIS quietly

# # copy data from builder

FROM $IMAGE as final


RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \

cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \

python3 /irisdev/app/ -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/

 without multi-stage docker file :

docker inspect <imageid>

"Architecture": "amd64",

with multi-stage docker file:

"Architecture": "arm64",