· Aug 4, 2022

[Webinar] Scaling InterSystems FHIR Server on Amazon Web Services with ECP

Hey Community,

We're excited to announce that Community webinars are back!

Let us invite you all to @Ron Sweeney's webinar on Scaling InterSystems FHIR Server on Amazon Web Services with ECP.

Join this webinar to make a technical deep dive, see a demonstration, and benchmark horizontal scaling InterSystems FHIR Server on Amazon Web Services with Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP).

Date & Time: Thursday, August 18, 8 AM ET | 2:00 PM CEST
👨‍🏫 Speaker: @Ron Sweeney, Full Stack Architect at Integration Required
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About Integration Required
We are a full-stack technical delivery team for your InterSystems® workloads, tailored to meet the requirements of your security posture and organizational deployment standards. With a decade of InterSystems® partnerships and rigorous adherence to customer satisfaction, we are trusted to best practice.


Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about scaling FHIR, ECP and AWS and how to mix it all!


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Hey everyone!

The recording of this webinar is available on DC YouTube:

▶️ [Webinar] Scaling InterSystems FHIR Server on Amazon Web Services with ECP
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Big applause to our awesome speaker @Ron Sweeney 👏👏👏 

And thanks everyone for joining!