· Apr 13, 2022

Handling Responses from File Based Operations

I have been struggling trying to understand "Response From" and "Response Target Config Names" as I am trying to track down Orphaned messages.  I have noticed that when a Business Rule, or Business Process sends to a File Based Operation, there is always a NULL value response being returned. I am thinking these NULL values are causing some of the orphaned message problems we are seeing.


If the Business Operation is a File based operation, how do I prevent the NULL value from being sent back? Is this because our "Response From" and "Response Target Config Names" is blank?

What if the Business Rule is sending to Multiple Operations, how is that handled?


Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2018.1.3 (Build 414U) Mon Oct 28 2019 11:24:02 EDT
Discussion (2)1
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What Response From does is control which responses from a call to an operation (or another component) are returned to the business service that called the router. By default the router won't return the response to the service, but setting Response From will enable responses to be returned from specific operations (or * for all operations). This is how you can control which response gets sent back to the service in a case when a router calls multiple operations. If multiple responses match the Response From setting, then only the first response will be returned to the service.

Response Target Config Names allows you to specify additional components (beyond the service that called the router) that should receive a copy of the response that came back from the operation. So you could send a copy of an ACK or other response to another operation for some reason.

All of this is probably moot, because I'm guessing your service doesn't need to receive a response.

In terms of the NULL responses, these shouldn't become orphans -- the fact that they appear in the message trace tells us that the production knows which session they belong to so they should get deleted along with the rest of the session.