Using the ^MONMGR Utility
Hi everyone,
Im trying configure the Caché Monitor Manager (^MONMGR) utility for send alert e-mails.
Following the steps I have doubs to configure the options in "Set Server" to send e-mails for hotmail or outlook (
I dont know how can I configure Mail server SSLConfiguration for hotmail or outlook.
Could you give me help?
Thank you!
Mail server? (Enter '-' to reset) =>
Mail server port? 587 =>
Mail server SSLConfiguration?
Mail server UseSTARTTLS? 0 =>
Product version: IRIS 2021.1
Do you have a corporate mail server that supports SMTP relay? You would need to get the details from the administrator of the mail system. Some require TLS, some don't. Some require credentials, others don't.
You can use GMail, in which case you would need a configuration of something like this:
Mail server?
Mail server port? 587
Mail server SSLConfiguration? <SSLConfigName> <-- You would need to create this in Security | SSL/TLS Configurations
Mail server UseSTARTTLS? 1
You will also need to supply your Gmail email address for the username, and an app password (created in your Google Account Security settings) for the Set Authentication option.
Your best bet would be to discuss your email delivery requirements with the mail server administrator of your organization; they should be able to provide you with the required values. If this is for a private/personal installation of Caché or IRIS, GMail is probably the easiest to configure and best documented.
Thank you Jeffrey Drumm.