· Oct 18, 2021

Can I remove some content from PID-3, from HL7 message?

I need to remove content below, from PID-3/HL7 message, in IRIS. However, I need to keep the content in PID-3.1. For example, I’d need to keep only, “5050532”. Can this be done in Data Transformations? If yes, how?
Thank you!

MSH|^~\&|TEMPUS|TEMPUS LABS|EPICEMR|YRMC|20210930100824||ORU^R01|4823623379495310173|T|2.3|

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
Discussion (4)2
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PID:3 is a list, meaning it has the potential to contain multiple ID numbers separated by the repetition character (normally a tilde). If you only want the first ID number to appear on the target field, don't use a for each loop. Just use a single set rule as shown below:

Note that there's no repetition indicator in the target path, and we're selecting the first repetition in the source: