· Jan 24, 2021

Is there database gui tool?


Is there a database gui tool?  like nactive?

Product version: IRIS 2020.3
Discussion (6)2
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There is an application DBeaver that will connect to your Cache/Ensemble/IRIS database and will generate a visual representation of your schema. I haven't tried creating tables in DBeaver and see whether it will generate a valid Cache Table/Class Definition. I suspect that it will generate classes in the same way that if you use the SQL Server import utility that will execute an SQL CREATE TABLE script and generate Cache classes/tables. Likewise you can use the SQL Gateway to connect to a SQL database and you can either create class/definitions in Cache that connect to the tables in SQL Server and leave the data in SQL Server or you can opt to create the table definitions in Cache and pull the data from SQL Server into Cache and remove SQL server altogether.

In the System Configuration and in the $system.SQL class you can manipulate how Cache Classes/Tables are created from an SQL Script or through the SQL Gateway. Including how to handle Integers and support for NULL vs Empty String.

I also found a couple of android apps called DB Scheme and Database that supports SQL Script Generation for about 8 common relational database technologies (ISC is not one of them but then we don't really push ourselves as a pure Relational database as we are primarily an Object Orientated Technology with  excellent Relational functionality and Relational Connectivity). The Android app allows you to design tables including relationship and then you select the SQL Database from the list of common Relational technologies and it will generate a SQL CREATE TABLE script. It also supports UPDATE and DELETE. It may support other functionality as well but I basically played with it for 10 minutes, built a simple table, generated the SQL Server SQL Script and then ran it through Ensemble and it created a valid Cache Table/Class. 

There is Cache based UML application that you can find in the Open Exchange tab. Download the zip file and import the classes. The documentation will tell you how to use the application. I like it because it is based on Cache Classes and Tables and therefore gives you a far more realistic view of your Cache Classes/Tables including all those nice weird things like Parent-Child Relationships, Streams, Certain Cache Data Types that we are so accustomed to using in Cache that are just not supported in other Relational classes. The only word of caution is that if your select a schema with loads of tables in it then it can take ages to render the display. I have attached a screen shot of the UML Class Explorer
