· Oct 31, 2019

Unknown Licensing Message ?

I find in my message.log  an entry I've never seen before:

10/31/19-16:00:22:562 (9056) 0 InterSystems IRIS license file (iris.key) must be validated with License Server.

What does it try to tell me?
Is there any action expected?

This is a stand-alone server not connected to any other IRIS instance. 

IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2019.1.1 (Build 608U) Thu Aug 29 2019 00:11:30 EDT
License Server Address/Port:

Any enlightenment is welcome.

Discussion (5)1
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Hi Vic,

I clicked on ACTIVATE, selected the key file but nothing changed.

I got this one by mail this one: 

InterSystems IRIS Server for x86-64 (Microsoft Windows):256
Natural Language Processing (NLP), Sharding, Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP)

Same with  the Demo Key I downloaded worked fine:

LicenseCapacity=InterSystems IRIS 2019.1, Enterprise:64, Concurrent User, Platform Independent

I'm wondering which license server is referred with a stand-alone installation.
I feel lost.