· Aug 2, 2019

InterSystems Developers Community Release, August 2019

Hi Developers!

Happy to share with you the release notes of InterSystems Developers community site in August 2019. What's new?

  • Direct messages between registered members;
  • Accounts merging;
  • Better navigation for serial posts;
  • Spanish DC enhancements: translated tags, analytics.

See the details below.

Direct messages

You asked about this a lot - so we've added this. Now members can communicate with each other, respond directly for job offers or job-seeking announcements. We allow the feature only for those members who contribute to the site. Learn more on direct messages.

Accounts merging

InterSystems Developers account depends on the email. You register with another email and you are another DC member. Sometimes it causes numerous alter-egos on the site of one person if a developer changes emails, changes work but keep staying with Community. We appreciate that you stay with the community for years. But we can make this convenient and we can move your content from one account to another.

If you want to move your assets from different accounts to a one and/or block the unused accounts please contact our content manager @Irina.Podmazko and Irina will help you.

Serial posts navigation

We love when you guys introduce the posts with several parts. There are a lot of examples of such: check this one or another one. But the support from the site for the navigation of such posts was poor. Until this release! Today you can connect the multi-part postings with Next and Prev parts and let your readers easily navigate between episodes of the story. 

How to do that?

Edit the post and add the link to the Next or Prev part or both and this will introduce the arrows in the title of the article.

Check how it works with these posts: part1, part2.

And looking for more multi-episode stories about InterSystems IRIS!

Spanish Tags and Spanish Analytics

We keep enhancements for the Spanish DC. This release brings the totally translated tags and public analytics for the members, postings, and views of Spanish DC.

As always we've fixed tons of bugs, introduced some plans for the next release and are looking forward to your feature requests and bug reports.

Stay tuned!

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