InterSystems Official
· May 9, 2019

InterSystems IRIS 2019.2 preview

The preview release of InterSystems IRIS 2019.2 is now  available - give it a try!


Container images are available via the WRC's preview download site.

The build number for these releases is 2019.


InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2019.2  is the first CD (continuous delivery) release of InterSystems IRIS.  It has many new capabilities including:

  • Addition of the IRIS Native API for Python and Node.js and relational access for Node.js
  • Simplified sharding architecture and flexible sharded schema design
  • Support for the new PowerBI connector for InterSystems IRIS
  • New look in the Management Portal
  • System security, performance, and efficiency enhancements
  • Enhancements to the InterSystems Cloud Manager

These are detailed in the prerelease documentation and release notes.

As this is a CD release, it is only available in OCI (Open Container Initiative) a.k.a. Docker container format.  The platforms on which this is supported for production and development are detailed in the Supported Platforms document.  For more information on what a CD release is, review the new release cadence post on InterSystems Developer Community.

Preview releases allow our customers to get an early start working with new features and functionality.   They are supported for development and test purposes, but not for production.

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