· Feb 10, 2018

Authentication problems in new TRYCACHE installation

New Windows 10 Cache [ TRYCACHE] successfully installed - but unable to log onto the Management Portal . What "User Name" and "Password" are being asked for? No opportunity to specify the sources. Thanks.

Discussion (5)0
Log in or sign up to continue

If none of those above solutions work, it might be possible to use emergency login into the system. Then setup your own username and password in the management portal once in. 

1. Stop cache instance. 

2. Open windows cmd as "Run as administrator".

3. Browse to the bin directory inside the directory where you installed cache.

4. use the command 

ccontrol start <instance> /EmergencyId=<username>,<password>

Where instance is the name of your Caché instance, and type any username and password.


ccontrol start MyCache /EmergencyId=Eugenia,52601

Try to login using that and then setup a username and password and then restart Caché to login via the newly setup username and password. You can read more under "Emergency Access" here: