· Sep 15, 2017

Using Atelier and GitHub with 3 environments

Is anyone using Atelier with 3 environments (instances with multiple namespaces) (DEV, TEST, PROD) using GitHub as the source control.


I would be interested in how its all setup. So for example;

Would you have three branches for the code or 3 repo's.

Would you have three projects in Atelier to communicate with the environments and GitHub?


I have 3 existing environments that I wish to put under source control and also provide the ability to promote code between the environments in a controlled manner.

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> Would you have three branches for the code or 3 repo's.
Please describe differences between your DEV, TEST, PROD code. Still, I'd probably recommend one repo and 3 branches.

>Would you have three projects in Atelier to communicate with the environments and GitHub?
No, there would be one Atelier project for DEV. All other code propagation should be done automatically by Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery solution.