Constant string with quote throw Missing closing quotation mark in Atelier
Working with Atelier a valid COS sentence like this:
if $e(chunk,1,1)="""{ }
Throws Missing closing quotation mark error. Any workaround?
Working with Atelier a valid COS sentence like this:
if $e(chunk,1,1)="""{ }
Throws Missing closing quotation mark error. Any workaround?
Yes, you are right :-D
In that case @David Reche, please accept either Dmitry's answer or mine by clicking the checkmark alongside it. The screenshot below shows you what to look for:
John, it seems that inquiring folks rarely accept answers, maybe because of their rare visits to this site.
With voting feature (like some sites have) it would be possible to "auto-accept" the most voted answer(s) after some reasonable time, e.g. after two weeks.
I didn't saw that option
Thanks for this "double" lesson ;-)
If you're trying to check that the first character is " then you need to double the quotes. In other words, test as follows:
if $e(chunk,1,1)=""""
That's because it's not valid COS syntax :) You need """"
I originally posted this to the Google groups cross post and was informed that it would not be seen unless posted here.
if $e(chunk,1,1)=""""{
A double quote character is represented by two double quote characters when inside a quoted segment. So:
write """ ; is invalid
write """" ; produces
As second argument defaults to 1 and third can be skipped you can write just:
if $e(chunk)=""""{ }