· Apr 12, 2017

how to export PRJ file without BreakPoints?

Is it possible to export PRJ file without section BreakPoints and Target attribute? /diffexport does't help.

They just make noise when pushing into GIT

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Here's a snippet from my Studio Extension (a subclass of one of the more standard extensions) that you might use and adapt in yours. It deals with a few other things that /diffexport misses - the timestamp, and the order of project items (which will normally have newly-added items at the bottom, out of alphabetical order). Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to handle breakpoints - probably the easiest way to get rid of those would be applying an XSLT to the file after it's been exported, which is pretty bad.

Method OnAfterSave(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject) As %Status
    Set tFileName = ..ExternalName(InternalName)
    If tFileName = "" {
        Quit $$$OK
    Set tName = $Piece(InternalName,".",1,*-1)
    Set tExt = $ZConvert($Piece(InternalName,".",*),"U")
    // Special handling for projects to ensure that newly-added items don't show up at the bottom of the XML export.
    // This tends to cause meaningless diffs (at best) and conflicts (at worst)
    If (tExt = "PRJ") {
        Set tProject = ##class(%Studio.Project).%OpenId(tName,,.tSC)
        If $IsObject(tProject) {
            // Save the project for real (we'll be in %OnAfterSave for the project when this happens,
            // but %Studio.SourceControl.Interface protects against <FRAMESTACK> by moving %SourceControl
            // to tmp, so this should be perfectly fine).
            // If the project is not saved, the items will be in the wrong order.
            If tProject.%Save() {
                // Reload the project. We need to save first to be sure all ProjectItem changes are commited.
                // This will load them up freshly, in the normal order.
                Do tProject.%Reload()
            // Clear a few properties, since /diffexport won't be respected.
            // This won't actually be saved, but these things shouldn't be in the export to disk.
            Set tProject.LastModified = ""
            Set tProject.Target = ""
            Set tProject.TargetType = ""
    Quit ##super(.InternalName,.Object)

The problem with using the strategy from that code snippet on breakpoints is that they're separate persistent objects - the approach in the code snippet is to make a temporary change to the object that will be exported, but this doesn't seem to work (after a few attempts with different approaches) for breakpoints without breaking things in Studio.

Having project items sorted alphabetically is helpful to avoid conflicts in source control with multiple people working on the same project at the same time.


User A adds a file. User B adds a file. User A commits their change. User B goes to commit their change and can't because a conflict is detected due to User A's change to the same line of code (because both added new project items at the end of the list).