· Mar 16, 2017

HL7 Service - design question

noob here..(moving from JCAPS to Ensemble)

We are wondering where is the best place to tie the schema category for an incoming HL7 message? Should we do this within the service (via the message schema category setting) or receive everything and validate in the process (DTL) level?

We want to capture everything that will be sent to that HL7 listener service and then decide what to do with bad messages at the process layer.

Does anyone have any recommendation regarding this? Appreciate your input and decision thought process.

Thank You,

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The common approach is set the schema category in the Business Service. If you want to capture everything at BS, this is the right approach if you are using only one HL7 Schema (2.5 for example). But if you use several HL7 Schemas then is better to get them separate in order to use different BS (each one with their own schema).

In any case you can use a main entry point (BS) don't set the HL7 category at BS and set it "manually" at Business Process stage. This approach is not the most elegant because all the messages arrives at BP (with map errors, and without the DocType set). Then search or process them is more complicated.

Hope this help