· Jul 11, 2016 3m read

Summary row with different aggregate function for each column

Today my customer ask me a question about how to write the MDX with a summary row however this row with different aggregate functions for each column.

We know in DeepSee analyzer has pivot table option "Summary",  user can select sum, avg ... aggregate functions to get the summary row/column. However we can not specify different aggregate function for each measure column.

Here show the example to use All level and IIF function achieve that. see the example (Holefood cube in Sample namespace) below


WITH MEMBER measures.[with avg summary info] AS

                              'IIF(Product.CurrentMember.Properties("LEVEL_NUMBER") = 1,

                                 AVG(Product.[Product Category].Members, measures.[amount sold]),

                                 SUM(Product.[Product Category].Members, measures.[amount sold]))'

               MEMBER measures.[total count] AS 'SUM(Product.[Product Category].Members)'

SELECT {Product.[Product Category].Members, [Product].[All Product]} ON 1,

               {measures.[with avg summary info],measures.[total count]} ON 0

FROM Holefoods


                  with avg summary i          total count

1 Candy                    149,187.22               83,833

2 Cereal                   513,770.68               83,852

3 Dairy                    518,826.37               56,481

4 Fruit                    744,168.60               85,819

5 Pasta                  1,940,939.62              273,971

6 Seafood                2,655,134.41               75,355

7 Snack                  3,111,815.51              267,996

8 Vegetable                884,450.97              110,844

9 All Products           1,314,786.67            1,038,151



Cheng Cheng

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Hi Evgeny

level_number is one of intrinsic member properties compared with user defined properties like UnitPrice.  It is the distance of the member from the root of the hierarchy. The root level is zero.

I tried to find out some Cache defined MDX intrinsic member properties here (Maybe document team can give a full list)

with member measures.Parentlevel As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Parent.Properties("LEVEL_NUMBER")' member measures.ParentID As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Parent.Properties("ID")' member measures.ParentKey As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Parent.Properties("KEY")' member measures.Price As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Properties("UnitPrice")'  select [product].[product name].members on 1, {measures.parentlevel,measures.parentid, measures.Parentkey, measures.Price} on 0 from holefoods
                   Parentlevel       ParentID      ParentKey          Price
 1 Bagels (dozen)             2              4          Snack           2.95
 2 Bundt Cake                 2              4          Snack          19.95
 3 Calamari (frozen           2              6        Seafood          22.95
 4 Cheerios (box)             2              1         Cereal           3.95
 5 Donuts (dozen)             2              4          Snack           2.95
 6 Free-range Donut           2              4          Snack          12.95
 7 Fruit Loops (box           2              8          Fruit           4.95
 8 Lifesavers (roll           2              3          Candy           1.15
 9 Onion ring                 2              7      Vegetable           4.95
10 Onion ring                 2              7      Vegetable           5.95
11 Penne (box)                2              5          Pasta           1.95
12 Pineapple Rings            2              8          Fruit           8.95
13 Pretzels (bag)             2              4          Snack           3.95
14 Swiss Cheese (sl           2              2          Dairy           5.95
15 Tortellini (froz           2              5          Pasta           6.95
16 Unsalted Pretzel           2              4          Snack           4.25
17 Ziti (box)                 2              5          Pasta           1.95

Hi, Cheng! 

Thank you for the explanation! Great use case, btw. Now it's more clear with your initial post.

It would be great if you include Level_number in the query too to see what rows has different Level_number.

Like this:

WITH MEMBER measures.[with avg summary info] AS

                              'IIF(Product.CurrentMember.Properties("LEVEL_NUMBER") = 1,

                                 AVG(Product.[Product Category].Members, measures.[amount sold]),

                                 SUM(Product.[Product Category].Members, measures.[amount sold]))'

               MEMBER measures.[total count] AS 'SUM(Product.[Product Category].Members)'

SELECT {Product.[Product Category].Members, [Product].[All Product]} ON 1,

               {Product.CurrentMember.Properties("LEVEL_NUMBER"),measures.[with avg summary info],measures.[total count]} ON 0

FROM Holefoods

I suppose 'All Product' level should have the Sum of all Product levels. But in your example 'All product' lesser than 'Snack' for example.