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I think allmembers should return members of a given level.  For the parent.allmembers, because only one parent, so allmembers cannot give out the result as you expect. If you try parent.children, it will work :-).  like follow example. Anyway, just parent self also works.


with member As 'sum([product].p1.[product name].currentmember.parent.children, measures.[amount sold])' member measures.parentname As '[product].p1.[product name]"NAME")' member measures.[pct] As 'measures.[amount sold]/measures.[total]', format_string='#.###;' select product.[product name].members on 1, {measures.[amount sold],measures.parentname, measures.[total],measures.[pct]} on 0 from holefoods
                                     Revenue     parentname          total            pct
 1 Bagels (dozen)    $25,534.37          Snack   3,111,815.51          0.008
 2 Bundt Cake      $1,284,895.19         Snack   3,111,815.51          0.413
 3 Calamari (frozen$2,655,134.41       Seafood   2,655,134.41          1.000
 4 Cheerios (box)   $513,770.68         Cereal     513,770.68          1.000
 5 Donuts (dozen)   $230,228.68          Snack   3,111,815.51          0.074
 6 Free-range Donut $767,295.26          Snack   3,111,815.51          0.247
 7 Fruit Loops (box $513,581.19          Fruit     744,168.60          0.690
 8 Lifesavers (roll $149,187.22          Candy     149,187.22          1.000
 9 Onion ring       $577,490.13      Vegetable     884,450.97          0.653
10 Onion ring       $306,960.84      Vegetable     884,450.97          0.347
11 Penne (box)      $151,839.08          Pasta   1,940,939.62          0.078
12 Pineapple Rings  $230,587.41          Fruit     744,168.60          0.310
13 Pretzels (bag)   $460,421.74          Snack   3,111,815.51          0.148
14 Swiss Cheese (sl $518,826.37          Dairy     518,826.37          1.000
15 Tortellini (froz $904,496.54          Pasta   1,940,939.62          0.466
16 Unsalted Pretzel $343,440.27          Snack   3,111,815.51          0.110
17 Ziti (box)       $884,604.00          Pasta   1,940,939.62          0.456
Elapsed time:       .470672s

Hi Evgeny

level_number is one of intrinsic member properties compared with user defined properties like UnitPrice.  It is the distance of the member from the root of the hierarchy. The root level is zero.

I tried to find out some Cache defined MDX intrinsic member properties here (Maybe document team can give a full list)

with member measures.Parentlevel As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Parent.Properties("LEVEL_NUMBER")' member measures.ParentID As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Parent.Properties("ID")' member measures.ParentKey As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Parent.Properties("KEY")' member measures.Price As '[Product].P1.[Product Name].CurrentMember.Properties("UnitPrice")'  select [product].[product name].members on 1, {measures.parentlevel,measures.parentid, measures.Parentkey, measures.Price} on 0 from holefoods
                   Parentlevel       ParentID      ParentKey          Price
 1 Bagels (dozen)             2              4          Snack           2.95
 2 Bundt Cake                 2              4          Snack          19.95
 3 Calamari (frozen           2              6        Seafood          22.95
 4 Cheerios (box)             2              1         Cereal           3.95
 5 Donuts (dozen)             2              4          Snack           2.95
 6 Free-range Donut           2              4          Snack          12.95
 7 Fruit Loops (box           2              8          Fruit           4.95
 8 Lifesavers (roll           2              3          Candy           1.15
 9 Onion ring                 2              7      Vegetable           4.95
10 Onion ring                 2              7      Vegetable           5.95
11 Penne (box)                2              5          Pasta           1.95
12 Pineapple Rings            2              8          Fruit           8.95
13 Pretzels (bag)             2              4          Snack           3.95
14 Swiss Cheese (sl           2              2          Dairy           5.95
15 Tortellini (froz           2              5          Pasta           6.95
16 Unsalted Pretzel           2              4          Snack           4.25
17 Ziti (box)                 2              5          Pasta           1.95

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