· Jun 16, 2016

Applying string functions ($replace, $zconvert etc) to a %Library.GlobalCharacterStream


I have a bit of code that does a find and replace on a "template" and inserts additional content. For example it replaces the @DATA@ with an html table:



      <div id="data">@DATA@</div>



Currently doing this with the $replace function:

Set text=$replace(text, "@DATA@", data)

The problem is the "data" is now too big for a %String (yes even with large strings) so will switch to use a stream instead. 

Is there an equivalent to $replace that works on a stream? If not, how would I best implement this sort of find/replace functionality in cache object script? Note: this is back end functionality that creating an html report that will be sent out via a soap webservice. It is not using zen.



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If data is too big for a string then result would also be too big for a string.

 I think something like this would work:

  1. Create result stream
  2. Find positions of the beginning and the end of the first placeholder in the template
  3. Write template from the start to the beginning of the first placeholder
  4. Copy data stream into  result stream
  5. Repeat 2-4 till you have no more placeholders (if there's more than one placeholder per template)
  6. Send result stream out via a soap webservice

It can be done as one method with this signature ( so it would be possible to pass any number of data streams for one template):

ClassMethod FillTemplate(Template As %String, Data... As %Stream.GlobalCharacter) As %Stream.GlobalCharacter {}