· Jun 1, 2016

Installing Atelier with a different version of Eclipse

Is there a way to install just the Atelier plug-in to use in JBoss 8.1 or MyEclispe 2.5?

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Hi David,

Good news! You can now install the Atelier plug-in in MyEclipse 2016 CI 4. Please try the following steps.

If you see some keybinding conflicts warning in the error log, you can resolve that within the IDE user preferences. Let me know if you have any questions.



   Thanks, this works fine for that version. However we don't have that version available yet. We are using MyEclipse Pro 2015 v2.0 (from Genuitec). When I attempt to load the plug-in on this version, it fails loading the IDE piece with the error below. Any suggestions on how to correct this?

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Atelier IDE 1.0.190 ( 1.0.190)
  Missing requirement: RCPTT support plugin 1.0.190 (com.intersys.eclipse.ui.rcptt 1.0.190) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.rcptt.ecl.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Atelier IDE 1.0.190 ( 1.0.190)
    To: com.intersys.eclipse.ui.rcptt [1.0.190]

Here is everything that is available in the Details section:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
  Software being installed: Atelier IDE 1.0.190 ( 1.0.190)
  Missing requirement: RCPTT support plugin 1.0.190 (com.intersys.eclipse.ui.rcptt 1.0.190) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.rcptt.ecl.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
  Cannot satisfy dependency:
    From: Atelier IDE 1.0.190 ( 1.0.190)
    To: com.intersys.eclipse.ui.rcptt [1.0.190]