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Hi guys,

I try to make a test of encryption, decryption of a simple text.

I can crypt my text, but I can't decrypt it, do you see somewhere a dummy error of my part ?

Thanks for help

ClassMethod UnitTest()


set inputPlainText = "David"

// get private key

set privKeyFileName = "C:\temp\toto.pem"

set privobjCharFile = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()

set privobjCharFile.Filename = privKeyFileName

set privKey = privobjCharFile.Read()

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I have just started working on cache and I am trying to push code from a tfs repo to a cache server namespace. I know that from you vscode you just can compile and that would reach the namespace. But I want this process to be automated , like a ci/cd pipeline that gets triggered only from a kube container. Is there any documentation which I can follow. We are still using cache not IRIS

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Question for folks who have connected to an External FHIR repository outside of IRIS. Within the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.HTTPOperation there is not an option to include TLS or an OAuth authentication when connecting to an external Repository. So then how is that piece done if you need to Authenticate against an OAuth Server before you are able to access the data or call the Web Services/REST calls?

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I created %ZSTART, having just learned about it. I included some minimal code to test it, as follows:

Now Terminal still works as normal, and sure enough I get "LOGIN" displayed, but when I start Studio I get an error message such as the following. I wonder what Caché ODBC has to do with it.

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