I too have the same dilemma...and none of these comments address it. And, the mentioned Annotations exist in 2017 (Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2017.1.3 (Build 317_0_18518U) Tue Oct 16 2018 to be more precise and avoid questions ) as well... you don't need IRIS or a new release, and that's no help...
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I too have the same dilemma...and none of these comments address it. And, the mentioned Annotations exist in 2017 (Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2017.1.3 (Build 317_0_18518U) Tue Oct 16 2018 to be more precise and avoid questions ) as well... you don't need IRIS or a new release, and that's no help...