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Member since May 29, 2016
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I followed the post,  but the menu of ‘Open diagram editor’ is disabled(grayed out) all the time.

I have the Atelier (1.0.284) which is embedded into the Eclipse on OSX.

- I am having the Atelier project connected to the ENSDEMO namespace of Cache 2016.2.2.853. The BPL editor does work well from the browser and Studio.

Is there anything else I have to set additionally?

Any related error message should be kept if there is any invalid input.

For example, the error message "Illegal connection name. Please edit and try again." is replaced with the message “Connection succeeded” even the Finish button is still grayed if I filled out all other input values and click the ‘Test Connection’.

If I didn’t notice the illegal connection name at the first input, it takes some time to recognize what is wrong.



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