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Member since Aug 12, 2016
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Hi @Ben Schlanger ,

According to the SDA annotations a Procedure's EnteredAt field is projected to :

/// [...] ViewerClass=User.HS.CTHospital
/// VIEWERLIB: User.HS.MRProcedures(PROCUpdateHospitalDR)

So I guess the Last Update Hospital is the description, not the code. But have you tried to use the Trak Table instead of loading the streamlet? 

If you have the procedureID you could try something like this:

set tMRProcedures = ##class(User.HS.MRProcedures).%OpenId(procedureID)
set EnteredAtCode = pMRProcedures.PROCUpdateHospitalDR.HOSPCode

Not that it makes a big difference in the end, but if that works it may be a more efficient method.

Hi Raouf,

on the Patient Banner component, and on Details components (side panes and pop-ups), you cannot access information "per row" using a ResultSet variable rs like described above. Instead you need to use %request properties: for example on the Patient Banner you can retrieve the internal patientID as


From this point on, like before you can retrieve the Aggregation key like this:


Finally, the patient Streamlet is referenced with the information type "PAT", so that you can retrieve the StreamletID like this:


Let us know if that doesn't work.


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