The Settings are stored in Ens_Config.Item and can be retrieved with
ClassMethod GetAdapterSettingValue() or ClassMethod GetHostSettingValue()
set SourceConfigName = "YourCustomRouter” ;Must be enabled when non-unique
Set tSetting = "ProcessMessage"
Set tHostSettingValue=##class(Ens.Director).GetHostSettingValue(##class(Ens.Director).GetActiveProductionName()_"||"_SourceConfigName,tSetting,.tSC)
write !,"System.Status.GetErrorCodes "_$System.Status.GetErrorCodes(.tSC)_" : "_$System.Status.GetOneStatusText(.tSC)
write !,tSetting_" = ("_tHostSettingValue_") tSC=("_tSC_")"
I have the same issue and wish someone had a good answer.
What I did to get around it was to use a DTL to take the XML and put into a stream container then route to a Business Operation with a class name of EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation.
If you use the Comments section you eliminate the need to create your own custom routing engine.
Your ProcessMessage approach still should work.
Given your custom RoutingEngine includes the following statements:
Property ProcessMessage As %Boolean;
Parameter SETTINGS = "ProcessMessage:Catagory";
And if you issue a:
select Settings from Ens_Config.Item where Production = ‘YourProduction’
and Name = ‘YourProcessName’
Do you see “ProcessMessage” in Settings List?