To specify the list of public variables for the method, use the following syntax:
Method name(formal_spec) As returnclass [ PublicList = variablelist ] { //implementation }
Where publiclist is either a single variable name or a comma-separated list of variable names, enclosed in parentheses.
In the documentation search for publiclist and you can get the details
Class Test.Test1 Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)
ClassMethod RecursiveGlobalCount(pGlobalName As %String, pKey As %String, pCount As %Integer) As %Integer
/// pCount is zero if not provided
Set pCount = +$Get(pCount)
Set tKey = $Get(pKey)
//pKey should only be undefined on first run
Set tKey = $Query(@pGlobalName@(tKey))
If (tKey '= "") Set pCount = 1 + pCount // setting tKey got the first node
For {
Set tKey = $Query(@tKey)
If ((tKey = "") || (tKey '[ pKey)) Quit
Set pCount = 1 + pCount
Quit pCount
Write ##class(Test.Test1).RecursiveGlobalCount("^Locations","",0)
Write ##class(Test.Test1).RecursiveGlobalCount("^Locations","Canada",0)
Write ##class(Test.Test1).RecursiveGlobalCount("^Locations","USA",0)
ClassMethod RecursiveGlobalCount(pGlobalName As %String, pKey As %String, pCount As %Integer) As %Integer
/// pCount is zero if not provided
Set pCount = +$Get(pCount)
Set tKey = $Get(pKey)
//pKey should only be undefined on first run
Set tKey = $Query(@pGlobalName@(tKey))
If (tKey '= "") Set pCount = 1 + pCount // setting tKey got the first node
For {
Set tKey = $Query(@tKey)
If ((tKey = "") || (tKey '[ pKey)) Quit
Set pCount = 1 + pCount
Quit pCount
Write ##class(Test.Test1).RecursiveGlobalCount("^Locations","",0)
Write ##class(Test.Test1).RecursiveGlobalCount("^Locations","Canada",0)
Write ##class(Test.Test1).RecursiveGlobalCount("^Locations","USA",0)