go to post Marc Mundt · Nov 4, 2020 This may not mean that the rules are processing slowly. Is it possible that there were a large number of messages queued for HisEmrRouter?
go to post Marc Mundt · Oct 26, 2020 This is the current link:https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=707
go to post Marc Mundt · Oct 16, 2020 For any new application you'll want to select Unicode. 8-bit would be used for legacy applications that were designed for 8-bit character sets.
go to post Marc Mundt · Oct 16, 2020 Yes, you can store the values in a multidimensional array. And the syntax you showed is correct: for j=0:1:ref.NOK.%Size()-1 { set MyNOKname(j)=NOK.%Get(j).NOKname }
go to post Marc Mundt · Aug 27, 2020 This is typically handled by data lookup tables. Lookup table entries can be maintained through a provided GUI, imported from files or through custom code:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnectlatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI... DTL includes pre-built functions for looking up values in a lookup table:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnectlatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.c...
go to post Marc Mundt · Aug 12, 2020 It's strange that with StayConnected set to 120 the service is not closing the connection. WRC could help figure out why we're not disconnecting. You can use this method to programmatically disable/stop and re-enable the service:s tSC=##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem("Demo.HL7.TCPService",0)
go to post Marc Mundt · Aug 12, 2020 Have you considered setting Stay Connected on the business service? This will cause the service to close the connection automatically after a specified amount of idle time since the last message arrived. The upstream system can then reconnect whenever it wants.
go to post Marc Mundt · Aug 10, 2020 Hi Adam, I'm not familiar with XLT, so I don't have any examples of converting XLT to DTL. Here's some more information on executing XSLT transformations from a BPL:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnectlatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI... Or you can execute an XSLT transformation directly from COS:https://docs.intersystems.com/healthconnectlatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.c...
go to post Marc Mundt · Aug 6, 2020 Since both formats are XML-based, you could write an XSLT to do the conversion. To further automate the process you could create COS that calls the XSLT, creates a new DTL file and inserts the rules into the XData block, and compile the new DTL.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 24, 2020 Hi Luiz,Here is the Caché documentation for building triggers.-Marc
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 20, 2020 You could do this at the Apache level using mod_security:https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/whitelisting-in-modsec/
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 16, 2020 This quick test does send two messages to the same business operation:
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 16, 2020 Just to rule out a problem with the second when's condition, does the "IMPRESSION TO FAX" rule work if its the only rule? And it would be good to have a look at the business rule log as it may offer some more insight into how the routing was decided.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 10, 2020 Here's an example of the DTL. You may need to set other fields in the ECRUpdateRequest based on your local needs.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 10, 2020 You're missing one step. The SDA your DTL is producing is in the form of an XML vDOC (EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document) which is using the SDA schema. The SDA3.InboundProcess needs to receive an HS.Message.ECRUpdateRequest with the raw XML for the SDA stored in its contentstream property. To fix this, you can create a second DTL which takes the EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document as input and outputs an ECRUpdateRequest. In the DTL you'll just need to call the VDoc's method to generate the XML stream and then set ECRUpdateRequest.ContentStream to that stream.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 9, 2020 If you are interested in Business Services, Operations, Processes (as well as DTLs, and routing rules) as Benjamin mentioned the new Interface Maps may be of help. Interface Maps doesn't exist in 2017.1, but you could upgrade a test instance to 2020.1 to do your analysis of orphans before doing the main upgrade.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 8, 2020 This is absolutely possible. First, you'll want to use a SQL Business Operation rather than a Business Service. Your function will send a simple request message to the Business Operation containing any parameters you want to pass to the SP (if you only have one parameter you can use Ens.StringContainer). The Operation will execute the SP on SQL Server and return a response message to your function. You didn't mention where you plan to call this function from (a DTL? a Business Process?). If it's a Business Process then you don't need a custom function, you can just use a "call" action to send the request to the Operation. If you need to do this from a DTL, then in order to send a message to the Operation you'll need to call a method of the business process or router. You can get a reference to the process/router this way: set bp=%Ensemble("%Process") And then you can send your request message like this: set tSC=bp.SendRequestSync("My.SQLServer.Business.Operation",req,.resp)
go to post Marc Mundt · Jul 2, 2020 Thanks Dmitriy and Kai, that worked. It would be great to update the instructions on the extension's page to mention this -- anyone starting with a fresh install of VS Code will have this problem. The recent video is missing this step as well.
go to post Marc Mundt · Jun 25, 2020 Vinay, the typical approach to send to CUPS for TrakCare would be to use Zen reports or JReports. TrakCare's EPS print server can run the report automatically and send the result to the configured printer through CUPs.