Hi Lorraine,

A few questions to help us get a clearer picture:

  • Which component is generating the 5005 error? Is it the router or the business operation?
  • Can you post a screenshot or the source code for your routing rule?
  • Is your router calling a transformation or just passing the file through unchanged?
  • What happens if you remove all logic from your router and just change it to do a simple "send" with no transformation?


It sounds like you might be able to avoid the problem of converting to XML and creating an EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document if you were able to access fields in your persistent message class from your routing rule logic?

If your persistent message class has discrete properties, you can still refer to these directly in a routing rule condition even without the VDoc style GetValueAt().

If your message object has references to repeating child objects and you need to get to a deeper level such as checking a property of the Nth child object you can do this by creating a custom function and passing it the Document object as a parameter.

Does it need to be a binary executable or would a batch file work? It is possible to execute a Caché routine/method from a Windows command line or batch file by invoking the Caché binary and passing it the name of what you want to execute.

The docs give this example for freezing and thawing the database for backups:

CD C:\InterSystems\E20131\mgr\
..\bin\cache -s. -B -V -U%SYS ##Class(Backup.General).ExternalThaw()

The high-level steps are:

  1. Create a Java class using the APIs provided by your JMS server (ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, etc.) and create a JAR file. JMS is a standardized API, not a protocol, so there is not one universal JMS client that will work with all JMS servers.
  2. Use the Java Gateway wizard to generate COS proxy classes for your Java class
  3. Setup a Java Gateway Service in your production. Make sure it points to your custom JAR file and the JAR file provided by the JMS server vendor.
  4. Create a custom business service or operation that calls the COS proxy class methods.
  5. When adding the service or operation to the production, configure it to point to the Java Gateway Service and use the correct Java class

For a Business Operation, you'll just use the usual approach: the message map points to a custom method. The custom method then calls the COS proxy class methods for your Java class. The BO class should extend Ens.BusinessOperation and use the adapter EnsLib.JavaGateway.OutboundAdapter.

For a Business Service, there's an out of the box adapter, EnsLib.JavaGateway.InboundAdapter. You just need to create a custom Operation that extends Ens.Business service and uses EnsLib.JavaGateway.InboundAdapter as it's adapter. This is quite nice, because EnsLib.JavaGateway.InboundAdapter handles most everything automatically. Your Java class just needs to implement a set of methods defined by the Inbound Adapter. See the class reference for EnsLib.JavaGateway.InboundAdapter for more details:
 *             .Connect(pJGClientConnectSpec,pTimeout,pInbound)
 *             .Disconnect(pInbound)
 *             .IsConnected(pInbound)
 *             .getErrorText() [returns empty string if no error on previous method call]
 *             .ReceiveMessage(pTimeout) [inbound only; pMsgIn return needs not be populated if timed out]
 *             .SendResponse(pMsgOut) [inbound only, optional-needed if OnProcessInput will return an object]
 *             .SendMessage(pMsgOut,pGetReply,pResponseTimeout) [outbound only; pMsgIn return needs not be populated if no responses are anticipated]

I've created some sample code including a production and Java classes. It includes a generic class that implements most of the necessary methods using standard JMS API methods and provides an ActiveMQ-specific subclass that uses the ActiveMQ proprietary methods to initiate the connection.

As always, this is sample code for demonstration purposes only and is not production ready.

Alerts (Ens.AlertRequest) are treated like any other message in Ensemble -- you can transform them to different message types and route them to an outbound business operation.

Have a look at the docs regarding alerts here:

And the docs regarding file adapters here:

One approach you can consider is to transform the Ens.AlertRequest into an Ens.StreamContainer and then use an EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation to write it out to a file:

If you need to write the alert to a file in a structured format, you can consider creating a RecordMap for your output format, transform the Ens.AlertRequest into your custom RecordMap object, and then use EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.FileOperation to write it out to the file:

You can use the Enumerate stored procedure in the Ens.Job class to get a list of running Ensemble jobs (config items) in the current namespace. If you need to get other system level details about the process, the "job" field is the same as the process id from %SYS.ProcessQuery.

From a SQL query tool you can call it with:
call Ens.Job_Enumerate()

From my earlier comment: %syPidtab.inc includes a list of Job Types and their corresponding IDs.

The content of an EnsLib.HL7.Message is actually stored in streams, which don't have a fixed size, so theoretically there is no maximum size for an HL7 message.

The RawContent property is a bit misleading. This is a convenience for accessing the content of the message, but it's not where the content is actually stored. RawContent is generated dynamically from the underlying streams but only returns the first 10000 characters.

If you want to access the full, raw, untruncated message you can use one of the OutputTo* methods such as OutputToLibraryStream.

Hi Stephen,

This can be done with a custom query. See below for some sample code that takes the form of a stored procedure. This stored procedure only handles items in a single namespace, but you could adapt it to run across multiple namespaces.

To call the stored procedure from a SQL query tool:
call Sample.Util_SettingsByName('Port')

The parameter you pass is the name (or names, comma-separated) of the setting(s) you want to get a list of. Leave it blank to get a list of all settings.


Class Sample.Util Extends %RegisteredObject

         *                 ** N O T I C E **                 *
         *               - TEST/DEMO SOFTWARE -              *
         * This and related items are not supported by       *
         * InterSystems as part of any released product.     *
         * It is supplied by InterSystems as a demo/test     *
         * tool for a specific product and version.          *
         * The user or customer is fully responsible for     *
         * the maintenance of this software after delivery,  *
         * and InterSystems shall bear no responsibility nor *
         * liabilities for errors or misuse of this item.    *
         *                                                   *
Query SettingsByName(SettingName As %String) As %Query(ROWSPEC = "BusinessHost:%String,SettingName:%String,SettingValue:%String") [ SqlProc ]

ClassMethod SettingsByNameExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, SettingNames As %String = "") As %Status
    s qHandle=##class(%ArrayOfObjects).%New()

    &sql(select %DLIST(id) into :tHostIDs from ENS_Config.Item order by Name desc)
    s tHostIDList=##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New()
    s tSC=tHostIDList.InsertList(tHostIDs)
    s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(tHostIDList,"HostIDs")

    s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New(),"Counters")
    s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(0,"CurrHost")
    s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(0,"CurrSetting")
    if ($L(SettingNames)>1) {
        s SettingNames=$ZCONVERT(SettingNames,"U")
        s tFilterList=##class(%Library.ListOfDataTypes).%New()
        s tSC=tFilterList.InsertList($LISTFROMSTRING(SettingNames))
         s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(tFilterList,"FilterList")

    Quit $$$OK

ClassMethod SettingsByNameClose(ByRef qHandle As %Binary) As %Status [ PlaceAfter = SettingsByNameExecute ]
    Quit $$$OK

ClassMethod SettingsByNameFetch(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, ByRef Row As %List, ByRef AtEnd As %Integer = 0) As %Status [ PlaceAfter = SettingsByNameExecute ]
    s tCurrHost=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").GetAt("CurrHost")
    s tCurrSetting=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").GetAt("CurrSetting")
    s tHostIDs=qHandle.GetAt("HostIDs")
    s tFilterList=qHandle.GetAt("FilterList")
    s oHost=qHandle.GetAt("Host")

    do {
        if ('$IsObject(oHost)||(oHost.VirtualSettings.Count()<tCurrSetting)) {
            if (tCurrHost=tHostIDs.Count()) {
                s AtEnd=1

            s tCurrHost=tCurrHost+1
            s tCurrSetting=1
            s tHostID=tHostIDs.GetAt(tCurrHost)
            s oHost=##class(Ens.Config.Item).%OpenId(tHostID,0)
            s tSC=oHost.PopulateVirtualSettings()

            s tSC=qHandle.SetAt(oHost,"Host")                
            s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(tCurrHost,"CurrHost")

        s tSettings=oHost.VirtualSettings
        s tSetting=tSettings.GetAt(tCurrSetting)
        s tStngName=$LISTGET(tSetting,2)
        s tStngValue=$LISTGET(tSetting,3)
        s tCurrSetting=tCurrSetting+1
    } while ($IsObject(tFilterList)&&('tFilterList.Find($ZCONVERT(tStngName,"U"))))
    if ('AtEnd) {
        s Row=$LB(oHost.Name,tStngName,tStngValue)
    s tSC=qHandle.GetAt("Counters").SetAt(tCurrSetting,"CurrSetting")
    Quit $$$OK
