Question Olga Smolyar · Jan 6, 2020 Is it possible to add an arbitrary key-value pair (property) into ^UnitTest.results? Wondering whether it's possible to get %UnitTest to output an arbitrary key-value pair (a new property) into ^UnitTest.results ? #Testing #InterSystems IRIS 0 10 0 273
Question Olga Smolyar · Feb 27, 2019 Using CSP Gateway with Apache on WIndows 10 (64-bit) - error "Cannot load c:/InterSystems/IRIS_2019/CSP/bin/CSPa24.dll into server: %1 is not a valid Win32 application" Hello,I'm trying to set up an Apache server using CSP Gateway on Windows 10 (64-bit), but am getting the error "Cannot load c:/InterSystems/IRIS_2019/CSP/bin/CSPa24.dll into server: %1 is not a valid Win32 application" when attempting to start up httpd.exe after adding the CSP-specific section to httpd.conf.The CSP gateway is 64-bit (CSPGateway-2018.1.1.643.0-win_x64) and so is the Apache install (httpd-2.4.38-o102q-x64-vc14).The CSPa24.dll file does exist in the specified location. Any suggestions appreciated.Thank you,Olga #CSP #InterSystems IRIS 0 5 0 842