go to post Paul Waterman · Oct 31, 2023 The way I would gather the globals the process looks at would be to slip something into the logon code that traced all the $zr changes to a trace file. Its not exactly what you asked for as it wouldn't be on a different process. s %oldzr="" zbreak /trace:all:"/durable/trace.log" zbreak $:"T":"%oldzr'=$zr":"s %oldzr=$zr w $zr" d ..yourthing() You could try to %Studio.Debugger Attach to the user's process and do a similar thing.
go to post Paul Waterman · Nov 12, 2017 You should be able to get the trigger to work with object %Save:Trigger OnUpdate [ Event = UPDATE/DELETE, Time = BEFORE ,Foreach = row/object ]
go to post Paul Waterman · Nov 9, 2017 Could you pretend to be the compiler and run the generator method? Might be a problem if the method does anything other than generate code.Class temp.proc{ClassMethod showcode(classname, methodname){ n %class,%code,%method,%compiledclass,%compiledmethod,%parameter s %compiledclass=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(classname) s %compiledmethod=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledMethod).%OpenId(classname_"||"_methodname) s generatorclassname=%compiledmethod.Origin s %class=##class(%Dictionary.ClassDefinition).%OpenId(classname) s %method=##class(%Dictionary.MethodDefinition).%OpenId(generatorclassname_"||"_methodname) s key="" f { s param=%compiledclass.Parameters.GetNext(.key) q:key="" s %parameter(param.Name)=param.Default } s %code=##class(%Stream.MethodGenerator).%New() s exec=" d "_methodname_"^"_generatorclassname_".G1(%class,%code,%method,%compiledclass,%compiledmethod,.%parameter)" x exec d %code.Rewind() w %code.Read()} I am not sure if all the variables here are set correctly, or if the generator code always ends up in a G1 or even if this is a good idea, was just thinking.This is not code I have used before.