User bio

My primary objective has been as a career software engineering professional, serving the needs of the healthcare community, in a collaborative spirit insuring the best possible information system, software and technology solutions providing for the organizations clinical, business and operational needs.  Always seeking opportunity within a progressive and innovative environment where I may best employ my education, experience, technical and analytical skills, realizing my full potential and purpose.   ("A job is what you do with your days, a career is what you do with your life. " - Unknown )

Current Professional Skills
Epic Bridges:
• Current NVT 2015 certification
InterSystems Ensemble/HealthShare:
• Certificates and transcripts for training in HealthShare, Ensemble, System Operations,
System Administration, ObjectScripts, Studio.
• Certificates and transcripts for training in HealthShare, Ensemble, System Operations,
System Administration, ObjectScripts, Studio.
• Certificates and transcripts for training in HealthShare, Ensemble, System Operations,
System Administration, ObjectScripts, Studio.
• Extensive development with migration of interfaces from several different, disparate
systems, utilizing Business Processes, Business Rules, Data Transformations, utilizing
various connectivity and communications protocals to include TCP/IP, SOAP(http/https), 
File Encryption/Transfer (via PGP, ftp/sftp, etc. ), NFS/ODBC/JDBC.

● Currently certified in HL7 2.7 
● Actively pursuing the standards, recommendations and potentially new technology initiatives within the organization, for example FHIR – Fast Healthcare Interoperable Resources specifications.

Linoma GoAnywhere:
• Managed File Transfer ( with/without encryption )

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Member since Jun 21, 2017
Richard has not published any posts yet.

Ok, thanks for that explanation.  I knew my solution might not address the question; however I was thinking the may be a solution utilizing the Rules Editor making this much less complex?  What about using Contains " [ " instead of " = " and not explicit reference to iterations?  

i.e. If(HL7.{PID:PatientIdentifierList().IDNumber} [ HL7.{MRG:PriorPatientIdentifierList().IDNumber},1,o)

Again, I haven't tested, but it saves ( compiles ? ) without error.  Not sure if empty parenthesis would work here, or if there is another way to indicate all iterations, and then perhaps the first one could be more explicit (1) ... just thought I would take a stab at this and see if it would be feasible... 

I am not sure if this address the question or not; however, I was able to build the following in the Rules Editor and save, have not tested it though.

I tried to do a screen capture of this in the editor... could not display/paste here even after installing two Chrome Plugins... anyways, here's the "code" 

when condition="If(HL7.{PID:PatientIdentifierList(1).IDNumber}=HL7.{MRG:PriorPatientIdentifierList(1).IDNumber},1,o)">


I hope this helps? 

( the last two parameters are "optional" )

Is there anything you could show us, or know of, utilizing other alerting methods of notification? i.e. POST to a URL? Examples? Also I would like to know more about Alert Groups, Managing Alert Groups, the Ens.Alerting.AlertManager and Ens.Alerting.NotificationManager... how to use, and make the best use of? I am following through some of the Demo's / Sample that InterSystems has in their documentation, i.e. "Creating a Complex Message Body Class", and would love to get some training in the development of these types of classes, methods, services, and the underlying configuration(s) necessary.... looking forward to FHIR too! Thanks again for this excellent presentation!

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