My usecase is sorting and removing duplicates and getting count from a file that has json messages as a individual rows.

I am currently planning to use pandas for this purpose as its really fast. Below are the steps i am following

1) call a python function (called function) from IRIS classmethod(calling function)

2) the call python function will read the json file in a dataframe

3) perform sorting, dup removal, count in the dataframe

4) convert the dataframe into iris stream

5) return back the stream to iris calling function class method

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how to convert from json into sda container and then to fhir bundle resource. What are the out of the box DTL transformation class for this. Source would be my json that includes a few resources and targer should be a SDA container than will again be source to another transformation for which the target will be FHIR bundle. What I want to know is the target HS. 1for both SDA container and FHIR bundle. Thanks!

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