Question Yuhong Snyder · Jan 22 write local file in health connect cloud Hello, I hope this is a simple ask.. basically I need to create local files daily at a certain time for example 11:30pm. #Business Operation #DTL #FTP #HL7 #Health Connect 1 0 0 37
Question Yuhong Snyder · Jan 21 file process workflow in healthcare cloud Hello, We are doing the hl7 integration migration from cloverleaf to InterSystems Healthshare. so I have an application has workflow like below, and I am seeking the suggestion of the workflow in InterSystems HealthConnect cloud version. The current application has workflow like this. 1. local server has Cron job every night to create about 10 files with specific name and next day's timestamp in file name with a dummy word in it and the files located in local cloverleaf server. pretty much 1 facility per file, file name has facility name and timestamp in it. #Health Connect 0 0 0 27
Question Yuhong Snyder · Nov 1, 2024 SourceControl of InterSystems health IRIS cloud Hello, Is there any document regarding the embedded sourceControl in HealthShare management portal GUI? It has Status, Settings,GitWebUI,AddtoSC,Sync,NewBranch,SwitchBranch,Import, ImportForce buttons, I am pretty new to this and I am wondering what these buttons really do behind the scene and when I need to use them. Thank you #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 2 0 77