Question Serena Judge · Feb 6 RTF replace string logic corrupting document for viewer I have an MDM interface with a DTL that takes OBX:5 and replaces "{\E\rtf" with "{\rtf" and "\X0A\" with nothing. Most rtf's this works without a problem, some others, it corrupts the document. Code: <assign value='..ReplaceStr(..ReplaceStr(source.{OBXgrp(k1).OBX:ObservationValue(1)},"{\E\rtf","{\rtf"),"\X0A\","")' property='target.{OBXgrp(k1).OBX:ObservationValue(1)}' disabled = '0' action='set' /> My question is - anyone know of any other "gotchas" that could possibly need to be replaced or something? #Health Connect 0 1 0 24
Question Serena Judge · Jan 14 Trakcare/Clinical Viewer, making chart changes when only have LDAP users I am hoping for some guidance. I am new to creating a new chart in Trakcare for use with Clinical Viewer. My organization only has LDAP users, (we don't have the ability to use local users), that dictate what role/group a user is in, they are all the same across our Prod, Test, and Dev environments. #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health #TrakCare 0 0 0 35