go to post Nicky Zhu · Jun 4, 2018 Thanks guys. I've finished the tasks except for mirroring.When I use SYS.Mirror to create mirror set:%SYS>set tSC = ##class(SYS.Mirror).CreateNewMirrorSet("TestSet",sysName,,)It failed because:SYS>zw tSCtSC="0 "_$lb($lb(2066,,,,,,,,,$lb(,"%SYS",$lb("e^zCreateNewMirror+9^SYS.MirrorConfiguration.1^1","e^zCreateNewMirrorSet+48^SYS.Mirror.1^1","e^^^0"))))/* ERROR #2066: Mirroring Service is required but not enabled */Then the question is how may I enable %Service_Mirror programticallyThanks again
go to post Nicky Zhu · Jun 4, 2018 Thanks Eduard. But not exactly.With the use of SoapAction, we can rename the soapAction attribute as below:<binding name="MyServiceSoap" type="s0:MyServiceSoap"><soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/><operation name="GetPatientInfo"><soap:operation soapAction="Get_PatientInfo" style="document"/><input><soap:body use="literal"/></input><output><soap:body use="literal"/></output></operation></binding>What they want is actually to change the name of the operation.
go to post Nicky Zhu · Nov 2, 2017 A million thanks. This works and my pivot table can work now. I'll recommend it to my team members, thank you.
go to post Nicky Zhu · Nov 1, 2017 HI Samuel, I've tried several times using DeepSee Folder Manager to do the job but unfortunately it did not work.The following is the steps I've tried, would you mind help me in figuring out what was wrong about them?1. I've written a Cube class named as Test.TestCube, basically it is only a copy of HSAA.PatientCube. The definition of the cube was written as below:Class Test.TestCube Extends %DeepSee.CubeDefinition [ DependsOn = (HSAA.Patient, HSAA.PatientOverrides, HSAA.PatientCurrentConditionsCube, HSAA.EnteredAtCube) ]{/// Cube definition from Architect.XData Cube [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/deepsee" ]{<cube xmlns="http://www.intersystems.com/deepsee" name="TestCube" displayName="TestCube" disabled="false" inheritsFrom="PatientDetails" abstract="false" actionClass="HSAA.KPI.PatientActions" owner="_SYSTEM" caption="TestCube" countMeasureName="%COUNT" bucketSize="8" bitmapChunkInMemory="false" precompute="0" disableListingGroups="false"> 2. Then I defined a pivot table as GenderDistribution which depend on two calculated dimensions as Female and Male respectively: 3. then I first export the cube and imported it into another environment, compile and builded the cube 4. And I exported the pivot table with Folder Manager as below:5. I updated the exported file to another instance and used Folder Manager to import it, but the calculated members are still missing and my pivot table fails to load: Thanks.
go to post Nicky Zhu · Oct 24, 2017 Hi Samuel, Thank you for your help. I'll try it and feedback later.
go to post Nicky Zhu · Oct 16, 2017 Hi Eduard, thank you for answering, the second service do not take parameter from URL, a json payload is used instead