Question Gigi La Course · Jan 22, 2019 DSC segments and Continuation Pointers - Has anyone had to code in Ensemble for Large ORU results? Our lab system is now sending DSC segments in large Pathology results in the ORU message that is followed by a partial continuation message with only MSH and OBX segments. the pointer is in the MSH;14 in the subsequent message. I believe the goal is to concatenate the first and second message but imagine this will require some custom functions which I have not done much of. Anyone already tackled this by chance? Initial message: #Object Data Model #Ensemble 0 1 0 310
Question Gigi La Course · Jul 11, 2018 extracting substring from variable length string I am working in Ensemble (Health Connect) and doing an HL7 translation I have what I hope is a simple coding question (but for the life of me, I am struggling). I have a requirement where I need to extract the last 5 characters of a variable length string. The return value should be those last 5 characters. For example - String = CE325ACCT98765 where the return value of the function needs to be 98765. I am just drawing a blank. thank you, Gigi #Ensemble #Health Connect 0 1 0 507
Question Gigi La Course · Jun 27, 2017 Removing iteration from OBX;5 in ORU 2.5.1 outbound results Hello,I have been struggling and could use some help as I think I'm burnt. I am trying to change a Textual 2.5.1 OBX;5 with multiple iterations to a simple non-iterating outbound result. I have played around with $piece but can't seem to get it to work. The outcome I would like is for OBX;5 to look like this: |Positive| and currently it looks like this: |Positive~_~_~_~_~|. Any suggestions would be appreciated. #Ensemble #HL7 0 3 0 473